Newsletter 9

Submitted by thewoolsack2 on Sun, 11/01/2020 - 15:58

21 July 2012 Woolsack Newsletter 9

Lots of important information in this newsletter. But I'd like to start off by saying how fantastic Team Woolsack has been.  The result of so much hard work by so many people is that just over a week ago we achieved something very special.  Every cushion that had been made was either already with an athlete or was on its way to one!

Leeds Metropolitan University Project and Stuffing Event

Submitted by thewoolsack2 on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 13:31

Some of the students at LMU who were studying design took part in a cushion design project as part of their course.  They then held a stuffing event, at which the cushions produced by the 'Let's Make It' Community Project in Weymouth & Portland were also stuffed.

These are the cushions made for the project